Last Year In Books.

Alright, we're already into 2021 and I have yet to list out the remainder of books I completed in 2020. With working from home, I did find that, without such a long commute to work, my listening to audiobooks slowed down for a time. I did manage to periodically post last year so that I [...]

Hello, 2021!

Well, what a year last year was! So what happened in mine? Here we go: Family time: I am very lucky and thankful for the fact that I live so incredibly close to my parents (a quick drive) and brother's family (a few minutes walking).Friend time (virtually) increased as well! With more time to scroll [...]

What a whirlwind!

This year has gone by so quickly! The last few months have been quite busy for me with work, but I'm finally back for more posts! Today, as it is the end of the year, I'm going to share my year in photos! Let the reminiscing begin! January: January started as any other month, but [...]

Jellybean toes and chasing rainbows.

Last year was an up and down one: I had to say farewell for now until we meet again at the rainbow bridge. My cats lived quite long and spoiled lives - both made it over 16 years! I've gone through this before, but it hit me a bit harder this time than when I [...]

So many books, so little time…

Well well well, it has been quite a while since I've last posted and a new year has begun in the meantime. Last weekend, I had the luxury of a long weekend at work for the holiday and I decided to use it to take a little trip for me. I used to live in [...]

Wrap it up.

Ah, the end of the year is upon us! Just wanted to share a quick wrap up of my 2017 year in books. Every year for the past few years, I have set a goal of how many books I will read each year and have been trying harder to complete it. I do have [...]

Taking Murder on the go…

Greetings from vacation in Europe. Just because I’m on vacation, doesn’t mean that I still don’t have a routine. I have been trying to keep up with podcasts and starting a new ebook or audiobook on the trains in the little downtime I have during this trip, but sometimes things just fall into your life. [...]

A Murder Case that hits close to Home

I’m a little bit behind on my podcasts, so catching up on some true crime podcasts that I subscribe to, I came across a case that happened right in the city of where I went to university myself. What I like about Cold Case Files is that there is a conclusion to the cases, even [...]

Ah yes, welcome to Halloween!

October has begun, so what better way to spend the month than by exploring the mysterious and otherworldly? I am going to forego my normal Murder Monday and open it up to fiction, superstition and all things spooky! It’s what October is all about, is it not? To begin this month, as part of the [...]

Sashay Away…

Ah yes, it has come again...another Monday. And what ever shall we do? Enjoy another murder, but not just any murder, a fashionable one! Come with me across the globe and back in time as we join the ever questioning Miss Fisher in Australia during the swinging days of the 1920's to decipher yet another [...]