Too many books and never enough time…

Isn’t that how it always goes? With the library being open for curbside pickup, I’ve been able to start some books on my to-read list and well as get through a mountain of tv shows and movies! The library has definitely helped take me to other worlds and realms during these unusual times.

Where did I leave off? Let’s go back and get caught up to where I am today:

July 2020:

Lock Ever Door by Riley Sager

What a tale! Really makes you think twice about job postings that sound a little too good to be true.

Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw

What a fun concept! Taking us to a present day with other creatures roaming the streets while us humans are none the wiser.

Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death by James Runcie

I recently got back into the Grantchester show on PBS and never thought about checking into the books until I saw my cousin, whom I grasp much literary and tea inspiration from, reading this book. I had not seen the first season in full, so I pulled a double whammy and got both the first season of the show as well as this book, the first in the series.

The television series followed the book pretty well and it read in parts (full mysteries) rather than just individual chapters. After this, I have since borrowed the second and third seasons from the library as well!

The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

What a sweet and bitter tale. I do love the idea of this book so much; the idea of having a boat full of books and a bookseller that won’t just let you buy something, especially if it doesn’t suit you, but considers it a literary apothecary and will recommend the right book that you need.

You become so enticed by the characters and wish them all well while they stumble through the complications of life. This was my adventure through France as I can only currently escape there through indirect paths.

A nice touch were the recipes for some of the mentioned cooks in the book as well as book recommendations for different places in life.

August 2020:

And here we are now more than halfway through August! I am trying to pick up my reading game, but we shall see how that works out.

The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan

This was another sweet tale to escape my current humdrum day to day. Following up one tale of a bookseller and going to another, younger bookseller. This book really makes you pine for your own soul-searching adventure! It makes you question if where you are in life is just fine and you can settle or if you would question your existence and try something completely new for your own happiness.

This is my selection for this month’s book club, so I am hoping everyone enjoys it as a nice little escape.

And now for the latest book I finished (just today in fact!):

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell

This was quite a twist and turn book that made you question your intuition on reading people and their intentions. As this is a newer book, I had a shorter borrowing time from the library, but it definitely was easy to sit and read large chunks at a time. It flowed easily and you really just wanted to know all the details.

Still have a couple hardcovers checked out from the library due early next month, so I must get a move on those! Also, just had an audiobook come in for download today, so busy busy times for the rest of the month!