Wrap it up.

Ah, the end of the year is upon us!

Just wanted to share a quick wrap up of my 2017 year in books. Every year for the past few years, I have set a goal of how many books I will read each year and have been trying harder to complete it. I do have a tendency to read many books at one time, but really sitting down to finish was never always in the forefront of my mind.

This year I told myself that I wanted to read at least ten books completely. I cannot even tell you how many books I started (at least 20 including those finished), but I have finished ten fully!

What really got me motivated to read was joining a lovely book club. Now, going strong for almost three years, with the company of some strong, confident and caring people, I have been introduced to new books and taken into genres that I wouldn’t normally pick up.

The following is a quick list of the ten books I finished this year:

1. Ghostland: An American History In Haunted Places by Colin Dickey (pictured here with my late cat Snow – he passed away in the middle of January, just before I had the chance to finish this book with him)

2. Tulip Fever by Deborah Moggach (a book that I chose for hosting book club around Valentine’s Day)

3. Murder On The Orient Express by Agatha Christie (another book I chose for hosting book club, that you may remember from a previous blog post!-pictured here with the late Izzy, who passed away this last November)

4. The Girls In The Garden by Lisa Jewell

5. Lincoln In The Bardo by George Saunders (the audio version is also very enjoyable and has a cast of over 100! Including Nick Offerman and Susan Sarandon)

6. Into The Water by Paula Hawkins

7. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

8. The Rules Of Magic by Alice Hoffman (a story that adds to the depth of background characters of Practical Magic)

9. The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman (who has a most alluring and calming voice himself! I have just begun listening to him read his tale Neverwhere, which will be my first finished story of 2018 I am sure!)

10. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (my next book club read)

So, what’s on your list?

Have you read any of these?

Do you have any recommendations?