Starting the year off right!

To begin:

With a new reading challenge!

Last year, I would add more books to my goal and, magically, was able to get through 52 books! This year, I started with 52 as my main goal and will try to keep on track.

Now, let’s get down to it – going to go over all pre-quarantine 2020 books:

January 2020:

– Tom Hanks has such an animated voice. He made the story even more enjoyable.

– This book by Jane Austen is unfinished and just makes you wonder how she would have finished it, were she alive longer to have finished writing it. I read this before the television series with Theo James came out on PBS in America. It was very interesting to see how the creators of the show filled in the blanks that Austen was unable to finish.

– I really enjoyed the premise of this book. It was a very creative way to show all the different sides of getting to the bottom of a murder while at the same time introducing different character story lines. Since I was listening to this audiobook, I have to sit and focus on who was who at what time, but because I became so invested, it was easy to keep things together.

February 2020:

– I got many questions from friends asking if I actually was reading another book since I had just finished the 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. Similar titles, much much different stories. This was the first book we had for book club this year and I did enjoy it. Some of the themes were a bit tough to go through, but it just makes you wonder what you might not have paid attention to in your life and gave a new appreciation for your life up until now.

– This was our book for book club. It was an interesting idea, but I wish the characters had a bit more depth to them; I felt like, as a reader, I only scratched the surface. I do still want to read Normal People by Sally Rooney.

March 2020:

And then quarantine began…that will be the next post!