Sashay Away…

Ah yes, it has come again…another Monday. And what ever shall we do? Enjoy another murder, but not just any murder, a fashionable one!

Come with me across the globe and back in time as we join the ever questioning Miss Fisher in Australia during the swinging days of the 1920’s to decipher yet another Murder! She is nothing if not exceptional in all that she does!

Not only does she dress wonderfully (as I am sure many others are also jealous of her wardrobe), but she has a quick wit, knows several languages and has quite the powers of deduction-all the while able to seduce everyone with her charms.

With her friends, Dot, Mr. Butler, Bert and Cec, she helps the Detective Inspector and the Constable to solve crimes and murder. People usually and conveniently confess to her by the end of the episode to which everyone can part ways and leave the past in the past.

Just watching this makes me wonder how I would do in any of these precarious situations. Would I be able to help solve the crime? I do love Clue and a great murder mystery, but would I be as quick to solve? Perhaps I should have been born in another country or time?

Have you ever had thoughts like this? I can’t imagine it just be me.