Last Year In Books.

Alright, we're already into 2021 and I have yet to list out the remainder of books I completed in 2020. With working from home, I did find that, without such a long commute to work, my listening to audiobooks slowed down for a time. I did manage to periodically post last year so that I [...]

Reading From Home (RFH)

Ever since this pandemic hit, I have had the ability to work from home. I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to say that as others are not as fortunate. I have been staying with only a few select people seen on the regular/semi-regular and have been using my bits of free time to [...]

Well Past Due

Last year was a big year for me and books. I was inspired by a friend who had put her reading challenge at 52 books - basically a book a week. I usually would set mine a bit lower, say in the 20's or 30's. What really changed last year was my embrace of the [...]

What a whirlwind!

This year has gone by so quickly! The last few months have been quite busy for me with work, but I'm finally back for more posts! Today, as it is the end of the year, I'm going to share my year in photos! Let the reminiscing begin! January: January started as any other month, but [...]

What is a weekend?

Ah yes, the weekend is here! For most, the weekend is a time of relaxation and plans and events, but for me there is always some work to be done! However, when I do have the random weekend off, I make sure to fill it with calm and pajamas. As we get ready for Halloween [...]

Mysterious Monday

Here we are again, ready to begin a new adventure! This past Saturday, I held our monthly book club, and yearly annual raku pot painting party, to discuss Stiff: the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach. I was so pleased to find out that all who had finished or begun the book had [...]

Scintillating Summer Skim

Summer is in full swing now with baseball games and beer gardens overflowing with people on summer vacations! As someone who still works throughout the summer, I find my getaways through podcasts and books. I am always open to suggestions and have taken notes and bookmarked several lists, including: celebrity reading groups/book clubs, the New [...]

Better late than never.

I have returned! After spending 2.5 weeks in Europe, I am back in the US. I am already missing the daily run around to new cities, but not the hassle of flights. Hoping to post soon about my adventures! In the meantime, you know what day it is: Murder Monday. On my first day back [...]

Mindful Monday.

Well, well, well... April has finally come and is halfway over! I cannot believe how quickly this year is going this far! It has also been a while since I have made time to write anything down. It has been quite a busy time with work, both jobs that is, and planning my upcoming little [...]

Wrap it up.

Ah, the end of the year is upon us! Just wanted to share a quick wrap up of my 2017 year in books. Every year for the past few years, I have set a goal of how many books I will read each year and have been trying harder to complete it. I do have [...]