So many books, so little time…

Well well well, it has been quite a while since I've last posted and a new year has begun in the meantime. Last weekend, I had the luxury of a long weekend at work for the holiday and I decided to use it to take a little trip for me. I used to live in [...]

Wrap it up.

Ah, the end of the year is upon us! Just wanted to share a quick wrap up of my 2017 year in books. Every year for the past few years, I have set a goal of how many books I will read each year and have been trying harder to complete it. I do have [...]

We may never know…

We meet again. Another week has come and gone quite quickly, but there's always time for a little escape here and there. That brings us to today: Murder Monday. I have been listening to a bunch of audio books of late to try to get my reading challenge completed and then some for the year, [...]

A Murder Case that hits close to Home

I’m a little bit behind on my podcasts, so catching up on some true crime podcasts that I subscribe to, I came across a case that happened right in the city of where I went to university myself. What I like about Cold Case Files is that there is a conclusion to the cases, even [...]

Sashay Away…

Ah yes, it has come again...another Monday. And what ever shall we do? Enjoy another murder, but not just any murder, a fashionable one! Come with me across the globe and back in time as we join the ever questioning Miss Fisher in Australia during the swinging days of the 1920's to decipher yet another [...]

A Total Eclipse of My Mind.

Today is a day not for Murder Monday, but for an amazing scientific feat!Today was a day for history - it's been 99 years since there was a solar eclipse! Today was one of those days that I will remember forever. It's one of those events where you'll remember exactly where you were, who you [...]

Tonight, there will be murder…

I first saw this book in a list of recommended books for me and I was so drawn in by the cover art that I just needed to check it out!It's a beautiful combination of all things fun: a period piece full of fashion, jazzy nights, gossip and murder! What more could a gal ask [...]

Another Monday, Another Murder…

Welcome, to another Monday!How do you kick-off your work week?I find that podcasts and stories help me cruise through my work week. I've been given some suggestions on podcasts and, as you can see, I'm playing catch up. This is a podcast that has been around for years and I have seen my friends go [...]

Murder Monday Thoughts.

Ah yes, we begin the work week once again.And here I am using podcasts to help pass the time by faster while I am at work. There are so many amazing podcasts out there - so I find myself playing a bit of catch up. There have been so many true crime podcasts produced and [...]

It’s here again: Murder Monday!

How are you spending your murder Monday?I am currently trying to catch up on a bunch of podcasts that involve murder and mystery! With this rainy Monday, I have the perfect plan for my day today! There is a brand new episode of one of my favorite podcasts out today: Lore.Have you ever had a [...]