Hello, 2021!

Well, what a year last year was! So what happened in mine? Here we go: Family time: I am very lucky and thankful for the fact that I live so incredibly close to my parents (a quick drive) and brother's family (a few minutes walking).Friend time (virtually) increased as well! With more time to scroll [...]

What a whirlwind!

This year has gone by so quickly! The last few months have been quite busy for me with work, but I'm finally back for more posts! Today, as it is the end of the year, I'm going to share my year in photos! Let the reminiscing begin! January: January started as any other month, but [...]

Movie-Adaptation Monday!

There are a plethora of movies coming out this year, with many adaptations from books. I have a book pile that never dwindles and only seems to grow, but I have been able to get through some content recently. This past week, I saw a trailer for a movie called The Bookshop, which immediately perked [...]

Scintillating Summer Skim

Summer is in full swing now with baseball games and beer gardens overflowing with people on summer vacations! As someone who still works throughout the summer, I find my getaways through podcasts and books. I am always open to suggestions and have taken notes and bookmarked several lists, including: celebrity reading groups/book clubs, the New [...]

Jellybean toes and chasing rainbows.

Last year was an up and down one: I had to say farewell for now until we meet again at the rainbow bridge. My cats lived quite long and spoiled lives - both made it over 16 years! I've gone through this before, but it hit me a bit harder this time than when I [...]

Do you ever just wander around?

I don't know about you, but I find so many interesting things everyday in this city that I call my home.Whether you're looking for a bite to eat or just a cool place to wander around, Detroit has everything!If you ever have the opportunity to visit, you should make a stop at the Heidelberg Project [...]