Too many books and never enough time…

Isn't that how it always goes? With the library being open for curbside pickup, I've been able to start some books on my to-read list and well as get through a mountain of tv shows and movies! The library has definitely helped take me to other worlds and realms during these unusual times. Where did [...]

What a whirlwind!

This year has gone by so quickly! The last few months have been quite busy for me with work, but I'm finally back for more posts! Today, as it is the end of the year, I'm going to share my year in photos! Let the reminiscing begin! January: January started as any other month, but [...]

New Mini-series Monday!

Phew! What a stressful last couple of weeks. I was out of commission due to a family emergency as well as getting sick on top of that, but that didn't stop me from starting a new series over this past weekend. I kept seeing a trailer on Netflix (or more so they kept reminding me [...]

Time to bring the dead back to life.

Finally through all of my audiobooks and having finished a book for last weeks book club, I find myself with a night off of deadlines. I may be trying to catch up on some podcasts, but they're not going anywhere. Here I am at home, relaxing early after last night's Oscars ran late...enter Netflix. Whatever [...]

Sweet, spine-tingling Saturday.

So, it has been a while. Life tends to get in the way, doesn't it? I have been packed with work (job #1 and job #2) as well as holiday business. I haven't been as diligent as I could have been with posts, so here we are... Late night after work and finding myself quite [...]

Miss Scarlet in the conservatory with the candlestick…

Oh whoever could it be? Was it Miss White? Or perhaps Colonel Mustard? The revolver or the rope? This game of deception, deduction and timing really peaked my interest when I was younger and still keeps me entertained to this day! Always my go-to favorite board game and also a hilarious classic film: Clue. Who [...]

Taking Murder on the go…

Greetings from vacation in Europe. Just because I’m on vacation, doesn’t mean that I still don’t have a routine. I have been trying to keep up with podcasts and starting a new ebook or audiobook on the trains in the little downtime I have during this trip, but sometimes things just fall into your life. [...]