The Boy That Will Live Forever on My Shelf

Here we are again! Yet another Monday has come and is almost gone (I’ll beat the clock barely!). I don’t know what it was about today that got away from me, but it really did just zoom right by and, even though I managed to get a few important things done, I still don’t feel as productive as I could have been.

Over the weekend my audiobook came in from the library and I have been able to escape reality through Harry Potter…again! I do quite love this series though! I have had a lovely time with this narrator who really brings all of the characters to life! I don’t know how he does it, but he does – I know I would have a hard time coming up with a different voice for each character.

This audiobook couldn’t have come at a better time! They always reminisce how Harry was the boy that lived and, this book especially so far, is really putting the idea out there to respect and cherish where you come from and to not be ashamed of it. It comes at a delightful time in my life as I have just officially become an aunt to a beautiful nephew!

I plan on spoiling this little man to bits – and will most likely introduce him to Harry Potter as well when he’s ready. I know it may seem silly, but I used to be the same age as the characters as the books were coming out/it really was like I was in school with them. It also really got me into reading for fun more so than just reading for school.

I was always also proud to tell people that I am the reason my middle school got the books in their library. I had tried to be nice and lent out the book to people, but then someone broke the spine of one of my books and I said, oh dear! After that, I made a formal request for the library to get it in stock. What’s so silly is that looking at my copies of HP now, it’s not just that book that’s spine is broken, but also the one I am currently listening to:

It’s silly that it was so heart-crushing before, but I should have also taken better care of them in the first place.

Getting back to Murder Monday though, I am sure many people know that this book opens with a murder! It’s all almost slightly surreal to go back and re-read or listen to the books again knowing what happens. There are so many times that I wish I could warn my favorite characters of what it to come, but then think harder and wonder if I actually would. Would you? Had you the ability to time travel (or perhaps use a Time Turner) to go back in time to change something, would you?

Especially listening to true crime podcasts, would you go back knowing things to change the future, or would you let history repeat itself the same way/not even go back in time so as to keep things as they are now? It’s always interesting to think about the whole idea of the butterfly effect and how something so little can create a ripple much larger than originally anticipated.

This brings up so many deeper questions…but perhaps that’s best left to another day?