Last Year In Books.

Alright, we're already into 2021 and I have yet to list out the remainder of books I completed in 2020. With working from home, I did find that, without such a long commute to work, my listening to audiobooks slowed down for a time. I did manage to periodically post last year so that I [...]

So many books, so little time…

Well well well, it has been quite a while since I've last posted and a new year has begun in the meantime. Last weekend, I had the luxury of a long weekend at work for the holiday and I decided to use it to take a little trip for me. I used to live in [...]

Wrap it up.

Ah, the end of the year is upon us! Just wanted to share a quick wrap up of my 2017 year in books. Every year for the past few years, I have set a goal of how many books I will read each year and have been trying harder to complete it. I do have [...]

Welcome to Murder Monday.

What was that?Did you hear that?Was that a whisper or a giggle coming from down the hallway?Are you really alone in the house right now?Did I just hear a creaking along the staircase?That must have been my imagination...right?Let's hope so!Don't look away! It may be the last thing you ever do!Tonight I begin a new [...]