A Case of the Monday’s…

Here we find ourselves yet again: just another Monday to greet us and start off the week. This past week has been quite a week for me and thus I️ find myself turning to fiction over reality. Perhaps as a distraction or perhaps for comfort, I️ have found perfect timing of this audiobook coming into [...]

Taking Murder on the go…

Greetings from vacation in Europe. Just because I’m on vacation, doesn’t mean that I still don’t have a routine. I have been trying to keep up with podcasts and starting a new ebook or audiobook on the trains in the little downtime I have during this trip, but sometimes things just fall into your life. [...]

Sashay Away…

Ah yes, it has come again...another Monday. And what ever shall we do? Enjoy another murder, but not just any murder, a fashionable one! Come with me across the globe and back in time as we join the ever questioning Miss Fisher in Australia during the swinging days of the 1920's to decipher yet another [...]

Back to your normally scheduled program.

I know here in America that sometimes our programs come on the tele a bit later than they originally aired, but I will get through them no matter what!PBS always has a lovely selection of shows to view on Sunday evenings, but, due to the season finale of Game Of Thrones, I had to postpone [...]