What a whirlwind!

This year has gone by so quickly! The last few months have been quite busy for me with work, but I'm finally back for more posts! Today, as it is the end of the year, I'm going to share my year in photos! Let the reminiscing begin! January: January started as any other month, but [...]

Let’s start at the beginning.

I've had an influx of audiobooks being available lately and am winding down to my last one this month. So far this year I've listened to 15 audiobooks and read two books - off to a much higher better start this year over last year already! I have previously written about Chief Inspector Gamache, but [...]

So many books, so little time…

Well well well, it has been quite a while since I've last posted and a new year has begun in the meantime. Last weekend, I had the luxury of a long weekend at work for the holiday and I decided to use it to take a little trip for me. I used to live in [...]

Do you ever just wander around?

I don't know about you, but I find so many interesting things everyday in this city that I call my home.Whether you're looking for a bite to eat or just a cool place to wander around, Detroit has everything!If you ever have the opportunity to visit, you should make a stop at the Heidelberg Project [...]