A Case of the Monday’s…

Here we find ourselves yet again: just another Monday to greet us and start off the week.

This past week has been quite a week for me and thus I️ find myself turning to fiction over reality. Perhaps as a distraction or perhaps for comfort, I️ have found perfect timing of this audiobook coming into my possession.

Growing up with, and at one point being the same age as the characters, Harry Potter is a story I️ take comfort in. It was the first series that completely took over my attention at a young age (and I️ became the push my middle school library needed to even pick up a set of the available books!).

There are just so many twists and turns and characters that I️ identify with; so many layers and emotions that I️ never get sick of the story whether watching, listening or reading. You learn something new every time you go through it and the fact that the author, J.K. Rowling, keeps adding to it on the Pottermore website and also with other books just helps to expand the world the characters live in and bring it more into our everyday lives.

Within the books, there are different tales of murder and death and overcoming those hardships to come out of them and try to better themselves because of them. Some of these events broke my heart the first time I️ read through them, but then looking over these tales over and over again, they make the story whole no matter how sad or distressing they may have made characters. It molded them into the characters that they ended up to be.

Death is not a question, but an inevitability. We must enjoy the time that we have with the ones we love and cherish to thoroughly enjoy what time we have. Some things may be out of our hands, but can help us grow and learn more about ourselves.

Do you have a favorite story? Or a favorite part of Harry Potter? What are you currently reading?